Friday, January 05, 2007

New Blogger?

Looks a lot like the old Blogger, just a little bit slower - but I'll take it.

My body is sore from the gym - I lifted on Wednesday morning, and I feel like I've been beat up. Stairs, in particular, have been extremely tricky this week.

I got a new Get Fuzzy day-by-day calendar from my sister for Christmas and I read the same comic strip over and over each day. It's more fun than it sounds.

A girl I work with got me a red Swingline stapler for Christmas, today I used the label maker to put some Office Space quotes on it - very productive day so far.

I have watched You, Me and Dupree twice in the last week. I really like it - Owen Wilson has me in a comedy trance as soon as he says anything. I think I am blinded by his funny and I wouldn't notice if the rest of the movie around him is terrible. Ben Stiller doesn't hypnotize me as much, that's why I'm afraid to see Night at the Museum. Owen's part doesn't appear to be big enough to steal the whole show.

I'm trying that whole 'no soda at work thing' again this year as a resolution. I think I made it 3 weeks or so last year - it's hard! In related news: the raspberry iced tea at Blimpie's is sweeter than soda, and probably just as bad, if not worse for me.

I've got one foot out the door at work, and my mind is not here at all... which is making my days long, boring, frustrating, and useless. Ugh - I can't wait to move! I haven't officially gotten any job offers yet in NH though - so it is a scary time. I hope to be out of this place by the end of the month. I have been saying that since November :(