Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And the award goes to...

The award for worst attempt at a pick up line in Hartford Connecticut goes to David at the Half Door last night, for saying this all in one breath:

"Hi, are you drinking water? My name is David."

And he gets an honorable mention for creepiness by offering up (in response to "Hi, um yes? I'm Laura.") again with one breath:

"Oh and I'm definitely too old for you. How old are you, how old do you think I am?"
"umm... 31?"
"Wow. Wow." as he walked away.

Lock up your daughters - David's on the loose!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Put on your cut offs!!

Arrested Development:

4 back to back episodes, including the (series?) finale will air this friday
at 8 on FOX. The title of the finale episode is "Development Arrested."

... as told to me by Sean as told to him by Tom.