Friday, October 06, 2006

HeadOn - Apply Directly to the Forehead

I have had a headache for the past 2 days and it is making me pretty pessimistic:

-I don't want it to be sunny, it hurts my head.
-I don't want to get out of bed: walking, talking, opening my eyes all hurt my head too.
-I found myself angry that there was no traffic this morning, because that meant that there were people taking a 4-day weekend for Columbus Day. I left late but got to work on time, but extra bitter.

Blah - I'm taking more IBUprofen now, but I think my body is immune to it's effects.

1 comment:

josh said...

i thought i was safe yesterday, but near the end of the round of golf i got another headache, which is ironic cuz i was actually playing well then. and i have one this morning too. that makes 5 days. this is not cool. i probably have a brain tumor. maybe that's why my head is shaped so perfectly.