Wednesday, April 08, 2009

real quick Pilkington-esque rant

'Blog' is a word that I used to hate. I don't like words that are made up to fit weird unpopular niches. Turns out blogging is pretty popular. But really: Web Log - is it really that much harder to say?

Webinar is a terrible word that I hope doesn't catch on in the non-corporate world. (Main Street, if you will.)

I also don't like when people call a tissue a Kleenex, but I won't call a sterile plastic bandage anything but a Band-Aid. That's a double-standard. Cotton swab sticks? Heck no. That's a Q-tip, my friend.

Verbage and Verbiage are not the same word, one isn't a word and the other probably doesn't mean what you think it does.

What words do you hate?

I'll turn this a little more positive (and a little bit more like Inside the Actor's Studio):

Words I love:

Pumpernickel, Hooplah, Hoity-toity (sp? hyphen?), Moxie, Untimely

What words do you love?


d$ said...

I'm a big fan of non current vernacular type words that everyone is still familiar with.. like "tucas"(sp?) and "skivvies" but you knew that.. I also like "fruition."

I hate words/phrases that people misuse like "same difference" - what does that even mean?

LauraDorf said...

for me, "same difference" falls into the category of meaningless phrases used to end an argument that you know you've already lost:

- "whatever."
- "figures."
- "it's whatever." this one is new and i HATE it.
- "well, regardless."

d$ said...

i also hate when people say "i could care less" instead of "i couldn't care less"... they mean pretty much exactly the opposite.

Paul Irish said...

Because i'm a supergeek i have a list of words i'm particularly fond of. Here are some of them: Deliberate. Serendipity. Duodenum. Facetious. Plump. Satiate. Ardore. Rouge. Intrigue. Coalesce. Ebullient.

Erin said...

Laura, I just found this entry and I love it.

Words I hate: Glob, dollup

Words I love: ameliorate, cellar, personage, somnambulate