Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Give my kids ghetto names like Little Mookie, Big Al, Lorraine (I wish)

I'm back...

I lose interest in the blogging so quickly! Lately whenever I've come across ideas to write about, it's sort of like the kid drowning in the pool... unhappy and mostly bitter. That's not what I want to go back and read about when I'm skimming my archives, so I have just stopped all together. But for now I'm back.

I've just commited to running the Philadelphia Half Marathon with my sister in November. That gives me 11 weeks to get into 13 mile running shape. I'll try to keep This is me updated with that adventure.

Also, within the next 6 months I'll be moving to and getting a new job in New Hampshire. I am very much looking forward to it, but financially I can't do it yet. Goal: early 2007.

I wish I were in school. I found myself looking online for various continuing education, hobby, and even masters programs today. The Back to School vibe is so strong! I wish I had a need for a new pencil case and a Five Star notebook. I'm thinking of getting my MBA eventually. I could do it in NH, but it will be $300 cheaper per course if I wait until they consider me a "resident" (which is another year, at that point I'll certainly have lost my motivation to learn - proof: ask me how I'm doing in culinary school.)

Maybe I will excercise my mind by chipping away at the constantly growing "To Do:" list on my desk.

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