Thursday, January 05, 2006


Well - it seems that I have SO much time on my hands, that I'll start another blog. Yeah, that seems like a good use of my/my company's time. What better way to start than from Dominique's "meme" tag. (Which apparently means I have to write three things about me- secrety things from what I gather).

1. I still (have always) sleep with a stuffed animal. I find it comforting. I have a couple big teddy bears from Sean. I have had a panda named Panda, and a dog named Molly since I was very young. There's no rhyme or reason to the rotation. When I make my bed (which is not often) I tuck them in like they're still sleeping.

2. I love face wash, and face masks, and creams. Love them. I could spend hours in CVS or Walgreens picking out the right kind. I have definitely spent more money on my face than on any other part of my body (my sneaker budget is a close second). I haven't gotten into any of the expensive or department store brands yet. Although, I realize that it is inevitable.

3. I am the girl that cried "appendicitis." Whenever I have any stomach pain or discomfort, I always think it is appendicitis. I have never told a doctor this. When I was little I'd tell my mom, but she would always say I didn't have the right symptoms. I still think of it first and go to WebMD to check up on where my appendix is. Before the internet, I would look it up in the big set of World Book Encyclopedias we had in our living room. I blame every 80's and early 90's sitcom that had a main character get an apendectimy. (Side note: said episode of Boy Meets World was really weird, Corey thought he died I think, very "It's a Wonderful Life") Someday, People, I will have appendicitis. You'll all think it is indigestion, but I will know (because I'm an expert and I'll have to be rushed to the hospital and then after my surgery, I'll eat icecream with loved ones. Wait that's tonsillitis...

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